Monday, December 2, 2019

SKETCHING: An Art To Convey Emotions

Sketching is an art by which an artist draw his/her feeling and convey his/her message to public or desired one. It has strong as well as long term effects … but to touch exact meaning and feelings of a sketch is also not an easy job.
Behzad Ahmad

Emotion is something that has a strong feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. There are six basic emotions in human, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness, and Surprise.
Human facial expressions are one of the most important non-verbal ways we communicate. With 43 different muscles, our faces are capable of making more than 10,000 expressions, many of them tracing back to our primitive roots. Even our smile, some researchers say, evolved from the way primates show off their teeth to negotiate social status or to establish dominance.
In contrast, Feelings play a big role in communication. Emotional awareness, or the ability to understand feelings, will help you succeed when communicating with other people. If you are emotionally aware, you will communicate better. You will notice the emotions of other people, and how the way they are feeling influences the way they communicate. You will also better understand what others are communicating to you and why. Sometimes, understanding how a person is communicating with you is more important than what is actually being said.
Have you ever tried to hide your feelings? It’s pretty hard for most of us to do. That’s because emotions don’t lie. Instead of trying to hide or ignore your feelings, focus on becoming aware of your feelings and the feelings of those around you in order to be a better communicator.
Moreover, There is various ways to convey emotions to other, some people convey there emotions through verbal communication like face to face communication, or in written form and some use non-verbal communication. Emotions can also conveyed by some arts, like music and drawing etc.
Furthermore, Every artist has there own “thing” they work on. That aspect of their art that eludes them.  It changes from time to time depending upon what season of their art journey they are in.  With this particular piece, I was working on expressing emotion in my drawing. It is something I have been struggling with. To get the emotions not only in the lines of the facial features, but in the overall feel of the piece. Drawing on your own experiences when creating a piece can help you express feelings in your drawing. Our work often follows whatever mood we are in while working on it.
Drawing a happy, lighthearted scene while thinking of a very bad time in your life will confuse the viewer. Your strong negative emotions will come across in your drawing. That is not to say you have to always feel the emotions of your subject. Just be aware of the fact the emotions can transfer to your work. This is true for painting, drawing, writing or any form of art. Art is truly an expression of our inner turmoil or pleasure.
Moreover, Adding a backstory to your piece can add to the viewers emotional experience. Drawing an old abandoned house can evoke emotions in and of itself. Adding a battered and worn child’s toy, abandoned on the front step, can ramp up the emotions of the piece.
It is no longer a drawing of a dilapidated building, but a home that once had life. It leaves the viewer wondering what happened to the family and maybe feeling a little nostalgic for their own childhood. Emotions in figure drawing can be shown in more than just facial expression. Body language is also important. The posture of the subject can convey pain, sadness, dejection, joy or almost any emotion.
The face can be completely hidden and yet you can show how the person is feeling in that moment simply by how the figure is presented. You can draw someone with there shoulders hunched and hands hidden in there face and it will show sadness or despair.
At the end, I would like to tell you that creating a piece of art can be more than just painting or drawing a pretty piece intended for sale. Art can be a way to express your feelings, deal with strong emotions and help you to de-stress. We are never fully satisfied with our work and are definitely our own worst critics. As with all things in life, we get closer to our idea of perfection with practice. The more you draw, the more you learn how to put life into the piece and how to express emotions in your drawing.

I hope you continue to draw every day and I know you and I both will get better with practice.

-Behzad Ahmad